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Astute Dispute Resolution Founder co-authors Commentary of New Swiss Code Provision for Arbitration of Corporate Disputes

On 7 July 2024, editions Helbing Lichtenhahn published the third edition of the authoritative commentary of Art. 530-1186 of the Swiss Code of Obligations (and other provisions). Known as the “pillar of French-speaking Swiss doctrine”, the Commentaire Romand CO II was edited by Professors Pierre Tercier, Rita Trigo Trindade, and Damiano Canapa.

This new edition integrates the changes introduced by the revision of Swiss corporate law that came into effect in January 2023, including the express availability of arbitration for corporate law disputes at Art. 697n.

Astute Founder Nhu-Hoang Tran Thang had the honor of co-authoring the detailed commentary of Article 697n, in collaboration with Prof. Pierre Tercier. Together, they explore the various applications of arbitration to corporate law disputes in light of this newly codified provision.

More information on the Commentaire Romand CO II, 3rd edition here.

Further reading on arbitration of corporate law disputes in English here.

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